• Please select the work category that best describes your project. (Choose one.)


Even the best plumbed house can have a pipe that’s vulnerable to freezing in extreme temperatures. If the temperature is forecast to drop below zero, open up the hot water line on your faucets just slightly (one drip every 20-30 seconds) and you’ll keep the warm air flowing to the lines. Take THAT Polar Vortex!

freezing temperaturesplumbing


Change the filter on your furnace. Do this once a month and you’ll be sure to notice a difference.

air conditionersummer


Everyone knows that putting a citrus fruit (lemon, orange, lime) down your garbage disposal will make the sink smell clean. But it also helps break up grease which extends the life and efficiency of your disposal.

gargage disposalplumbing

How We Work

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Message us online through our request service button or call us at 888-932-2636.

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We’ll call you to confirm the work is completed to your satisfaction, take payment and send your receipt.

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A Hearth & Home provider will get your work done quickly and efficiently. We’ll clean up when we are done.

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We’ll call you within 24 hours to discuss important details about your project and dispatch a Hearth & Home provider to your door.